Friday, January 9, 2009



Bottling and canning are processes of preserving food by heating and sealing it in an airtight
container. The food is boiled to kill microorganisms from getting in.


Pickling food in vinegar or other acids, makes it difficult for microorganisms to live. Commonly pickled food include onions, soy beans and
chillies . Sugar can also be used in pickling
fruits such as nutmegs, mangoes and cherries. The concentrated sugar solution used draws water from the fruit, thus preventing the growth of


A lot of food is preserved by drying under the sun. Drying removes most water from food. Most bacteria die or become inactive when the food is dried.
A lot of food is preserved by drying under the sun. Drying removes most water from food. Most bacteria die or become inactive when the food is dried.


Vacuum packing keeps food by sucking air out from its packaging. Food is thus prevented from spoiling because there is no air.


Salting, is an age-old way of preserving food. The salt draws out moisture and prevents
microorganisms from growing. In this process, food such as fresh fish are gutted, washed and coarse salt is rubbed into it.


Cooling and freezing are the most common forms of food preservation. Cooling slows down the action of
Microorganisms, thus it takes longer to spoil. It allows fruits from different parts of the world to appear on our supermarket shelves. At freezing temperature,
microorganisms become inactive, thus food cannot spoil when it is frozen.


Waxing of fruit and vegetable is also common. Apples, oranges, eggplants and tomatoes are dipped into liquid wax to prevent growth of fungi and loss of moisture.


Pasteurization means heating food to a certain temperature for some time followed by rapid cooling. Heating at such high enough temperature kills most bacteria. However, it does not affect the taste and nutritional value of the food.


As food is heated and cooked, the heat kills the
Microorganisms. Boiling kills most bacteria. However, those not affect by heat will grow when the conditions are suitable.


Smoking is the process of drying food with smoke for a long period of time. This method is mainly used for fish, meat and fruit such as banana. The drying effect of smoke and the chemicals produced from the smoke help to preserved the food.

Food Perservation

Food preservation is a process of slowing down food from becoming bad. Besides making the food lasts longer, preservation also prevents food wastage. It also allows food to be eaten out of season. It gives variety and nutrition to

our diet all year round. Freeze-dried food are easy to store and transported because they are light and require less space.